Activity Area

An activity area is a logical grouping of storage bins designated for specific warehouse activities such as Picking, putaway, physical inventory etc.


    The use of an Activity Area is not limited to the logical grouping of storage bins; it encompasses much more

    Fig. Technical use cases of Activity Area


    1. Each activity area has one or more storage bins from same or different storage type.
    2. Bins within the activity area can be sorted based on activity that help to optimize the process flow such picking, packing, putaway, VAS.
    3. Bin sorting can be done into any sequence using below attributes
      1. Aisle

      2. Stack

      3. Level

      4. Bin subdivision

      5. Depth

    4. Warehouse order is generated based on activity area to bundle the warehouse tasks that can be performed in the same activity area.
    5. Activity area is assigned to Physical Inventory area to create the physical inventory document for counting.
    6. Define the start and end storage bins for the activity area for process such as Pick-Pack-Pass, automatic pick handling unit creation, and others.
    7. Queue determination


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