No Capacity Update

Typically, in the process of warehouse task creation and confirmation, the capacity data and empty status of storage bins are updated. This refresh requires a database lock, leading to potential wait times when several concurrent processes try to update the same bin.
Selecting the "No Capacity Update" control parameter prevents the system from updating capacity data, the number of Handling Units (HU), and their empty status, thereby avoiding database locks. So, it is important to double check for which storage type this control parameter can be selected
You need to choose the capacity check option "4 - No Check Against Key Figure, Weight, and Volume" and the Putaway rule "4 - General Storage Area" or "6 - Transit Warehouse: Staging Area for Door."

Additionally, remember to perform a Physical Inventory (PI) or empty the storage bins before deselecting this parameter to update the capacity data, as failing to do so could result in discrepancies.