Level Of Avail Qty

The available quantity parameter is primarily utilized during the stock removal strategy to plan the withdrawal of a handling unit. It can be set at the storage bin level or at the highest handling unit level.
1. Storage Bin level
The system generates the warehouse task without referencing a Handling Unit (HU), meaning the task does not include the specific HU. To withdraw stock from a storage bin, you must enter or scan the HU.
- Create a Handling Unit (HU) managed storage type and set the Level of Available Quantity control parameters to "1 - At bin level"
- Then, move the stock into the storage bin and verify the stock situation in the warehouse monitor.
- The stock available at the bin level should be displayed, irrespective of the presence of two highest-level Handling Units in the same bin.
- In the example provided, there are 96 EA at the bin level for both highest level HU (20000001 - 64 EA & 20000002 - 32 EA)

Try to create an ad hoc warehouse task to transfer stock from the SHR2 storage type. Note that the system has NOT suggested the source handling unit.

2. Highest HU level
The source Handling Unit (HU) is identified immediately upon the creation of the warehouse task. Subsequently, the warehouse worker is required to remove the product from this HU.
It is advisable to utilize the Highest HU level for work center storage types or when handling individual HUs.
- Create a Handling Unit (HU) managed storage type and set the Level of Available Quantity control parameters to "Blank - At Highest-Level HU"
- Then, move the stock into the storage bin and verify the stock situation in the warehouse monitor.
- The stock available at the highest HU level should be displayed in the same bin.
- The example below displays two-line items at the highest Handling Unit (HU) level: 20000001 - 64 EA and 20000002 - 32 EA.

Try to create an ad hoc warehouse task to transfer stock from the SHR3 storage type. Note that the system has already suggested the source handling unit.

I hope this helps to understand how the system proposes a source HU based on the Level of Available Quantity when creating a WT.
*** You can only change the level of available quantity when the storage type is empty.