Integration Between SAP ERP and SAP EWM

System Landscape for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM

SAP S/4HANA serves as the core system, providing enterprise-wide integration and real-time analytics, while SAP EWM handles advanced warehouse management processes, including inventory tracking, resource planning, and logistics optimization. These systems can be deployed in an embedded or decentralized architecture, depending on business needs.

An embedded setup integrates SAP EWM directly within the S/4HANA system, offering simplified management and reduced IT overhead. On the other hand, a decentralized landscape allows EWM to operate independently, connecting to S/4HANA via integration tools, which is ideal for complex or large-scale warehouse operations. Both configurations ensure seamless data exchange and process synchronization, enabling businesses to achieve higher operational agility and responsiveness to market demands. By leveraging this robust system landscape, organizations can unlock greater efficiency, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge in their industry.


Once the S/4 HANA system is installed, you have two options: manually configure the client or activate SAP Best Practices for a streamlined setup.


System Landscape for Embedded EWM:

Discover the essential steps typically taken by the basis team to set up and configure your system landscape seamlessly.

Fig. System Landscape


ERP Settings

1. Create Logical System and assign to client

To enable the transfer of data between SAP ERP and SAP EWM, need to define the SAP ERP system and SAP EWM as logical system.

1.1 Define the Logical System for SAP ERP (S/4 HANA)

This is the initial step in setting up a new system or client on SAP S/4 HANA. During the installation of the SAP S/4HANA system, two default clients 000 and 001 are automatically created. To create and deploy the new system, start by defining the logical system name. Next, define the client and assign the logical system to it.

1.2 Define the Dummy Logical System for SAP EWM

Dummy logical system is required to generate the distribution model which is required for setting up the qRFC communication. In an embedded setup where S/4HANA and EWM share the same server, there’s no need to create a separate logical system for EWM or assign it to the client.


(*** For Decentralized EWM: The basis team sets up the logical system for S/4 HANA and EWM on a separate server and assigns it to the client created on that server. Additionally, they define a dummy logical system for EWM on the S/4 HANA system and another dummy logical system for S/4 HANA on the EWM system.)


PATH: IMG > Integration with Other SAP Components > Extended Warehouse Management > Basic Settings for Setting Up the System Landscape > Name Logical System

Tcode: BD54

Fig. Define logical system


Assign the S/4 HANA logical system to the client.

PATH: IMG > Integration with Other SAP Components > Extended Warehouse Management > Basic Settings for Setting Up the System Landscape > Assign Logical System to a Client

Fig. Assign logical system to Client


2. Define the RFC Destination

RFC destination is the predefined configuration in the SAP system that stores the details required to connect to the target system.


  • Communication between SAP S/4 HANA and SAP EWM happen via qRFC.
  • Target address determined during the RFC Destination for qRFC helps to communicate, Process, Error handling etc.
  • The RFC destination name must exactly match the specified name of the logical target system.
  • The target system must have been defined under Name Logical Systems.


(*** For Decentralized EWM: The basis team creates the RFC user for both S/4 HANA and EWM system)


PATH: IMG > Integration with Other SAP Components > Extended Warehouse Management > Basic Settings for Setting Up the System Landscape > Set Up RFC Destination

Tcode: SM59

Fig. Define RFC destination


3. Assign RFC Destinations to Logical Systems

Assigning RFC destinations to logical systems is a critical step in ensuring seamless communication between different SAP systems within your network. This process involves linking a logical system, which serves as a unique identifier for a system in your landscape, to an RFC (Remote Function Call) destination that facilitates communication. 

Tcode: BD97

Fig. Assign RFC destination to logical system


4. Setting the QOUT Scheduler

The transfer of data between S/4 HANA and EWM utilizes queued remote function call (qRFC) technology. With this approach, data is temporarily stored in queues to ensure efficient processing.

The outbound qRFC queues do not process automatically. To send them to the target system, they must be processed manually or process using the QOUT scheduler job, which are pre-registered within the QOUT scheduler.

To debug a specific message in the queue, simply deregister the scheduler. This will allow the message to remain stored in the queue for further analysis.

Use transaction code SMQ1 to access and view the details of the outbound queue.

Tcode: SMQS

Fig. qRFC monitor (QOUT Scheduler)


4. Setting the QIN Scheduler

The transfer of data between S/4 HANA and EWM relies on queued remote function call (qRFC) technology. With this approach, data is temporarily stored in queues to ensure efficient processing.

The Inbound qRFC queues do not process automatically. To send them to the target system, they must be processed manually or process using the QIN scheduler job, the QIN scheduler registers only queue names, not destinations.

To debug a specific message in the queue, simply deregister the scheduler. This will allow the message to remain stored in the queue for further analysis.

Use transaction code SMQ1 to access and view the details of the outbound queue.

Tcode: SMQR

Fig. qRFC monitor (QIN Scheduler)


5. Registering Display program for application log

Registering a display program for the application log in SAP systems ensures that log data is organized and presented in a clear, structured format for better readability and analysis.

If an inbound or outbound queue fails and you need to analyze or review the error in SMQ2 or SMQ1 for a specific message, it is necessary to register the display program. Failure to do so will result in the queue not being displayed in a structured and readable format.

Tcode: SMQE

Fig. qRFC Administration to register display program


6. Set Target System and Queue Type

The data transfer is being done by qRFC (Queued Remote Function Call) technology meaning that data is stored temporarily in the queue and processed from it.

The queue type (Outbound or Inbound) determines whether the queues processing is controlled by the sending or receiving system.

PATH: IMG > Integration with Other SAP Components > Extended Warehouse Management > Basic Settings for Setting Up the System Landscape > Set Target System and Queue Type

Fig. Define Target system and queue type


7. Register Navigation from Queue

PATH: IMG > Integration with Other SAP Components > Extended Warehouse Management > Basic Settings for EWM Linkage > Register Navigation from Queue

Fig. Register Navigation from Queue



1. Maintain Business System Group

Maintain the business system group for EWM system that store in the master data such product master. This helps maintain unique data integrity in EWM, even when connecting multiple S/4 HANA systems to the same EWM. For example, two different materials like a bicycle handle and a bicycle seat may share the same material number (e.g., SP0001), but this setup ensures they remain distinct and properly managed.


To achieve this data integrity, it is required to map the BSG to S/4 HANA source system. 

PATH: IMG > SCM EWM > EWM > SCM Basis > Integration > Basic Settings for Creating the System Landscape > Maintain Business System Group

Fig. Maintain Business System Group for EWM


Fig. BSG in the Product master


2. Assign Logical System and Queue Type

In this configuration, the BSG must be mapped to the logical system of the S/4 HANA source system to ensure that a unique BSG is stored within the master data. This setup works in conjunction with the "Maintain Business System Group" feature.

To ensure seamless and accurate communication, each source system (S/4 system) must be linked to a designated BSG. A BSG can consist of one or multiple source systems.

It is essential to determine the appropriate queue type for data transfer and establish the error-handling approach for the logical system. When transferring large amounts of data, it is recommended to set up an inbound queue to ensure an even load on the system.


PATH: IMG > SCM EWM > EWM > SCM Basis > Integration > Basic Settings for Creating the System Landscape > Assign Logical System and Queue Type

Fig. Assignment of source logical system to BSG of EWM system


3. Define Own Business System

This system key is securely stored within the cross-system and cross-partner document flow, ensuring seamless integration across platforms. It is primarily utilized in EWM deliveries as well as in various other settings to accurately determine relevancy and maintain system efficiency, improve data consistency, and streamline workflows.


PATH: IMG > SCM EWM > EWM > Interfaces > ERP Integration > General Settings > Define Own Business System


Fig. Define own business system


4. Define Business System

In this activity, you map the logical system to the business systems. 

The deliveries sent from the ERP to the EWM system include only the logical system name and the EWM store system key in the warehouse request. This configuration ensures that deliveries from the ERP system are mapped to EWM, so when EWM sends a response back, the system can correctly send it to the appropriate ERP system.


Assum when you connect multiple SAP ERP system to EWM.

PATH: IMG > SCM EWM > EWM > Interfaces > ERP Integration > General Settings > Define Business System

Fig. Define business system


5. Control for RFC Queue

In this Customizing activity, you define the control of the RFC queues for SAP ERP. 

EWM sends the below message to SAP ERP.

  • Messages with reference to a delivery in SAP ERP (delivery interface)
    • Reporting delivery changes (for example, quantity changes)
    • Reporting goods movements for the delivery (goods receipt or goods issue)


  • Messages without reference to a delivery in SAP ERP (Goods Movement Interface)
    • Reporting stock postings without reference to a delivery
    • Posting changes without reference to a delivery
    • Reporting inventory differences
    • Scrapping without a delivery in SAP ERP

PATH: IMG > SCM EWM > EWM > Interfaces > ERP Integration > General Settings > Control for RFC Queue

Fig. Control RFC queue


6. Assign Default RFC Destinations to Logical Systems

Default RFC destinations for logical systems are defined to facilitate standard communication from SAP EWM to SAP ERP or a different integrated system.

In the RFC Destination field, you can assign a standard RFC destination for synchronous BAPI calls.

If you do not define an RFC destination, the system reads the standard RFC destinations from transaction BD97.


PATH: IMG > SCM EWM > EWM > Interfaces > ERP Integration > General Settings >Assign Default RFC Destinations to Logical Systems

Fig. Assign default RFC destination to logical system

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