The replenishment process is designed to restock the picking area according to the demand for products that are regularly picking up.
Here are the types of replenishment control:
1. Default Stock Type
IMG > SCM EWM > EWM > Master Data > Define Warehouse Number Control
2. Activate the replenishment strategy in the storage types IMG > SCM EWM > EWM > Internal Warehouse Processes >Replenishment Control > Activate Replenishment Strategies in Storage Types
Here are some important control parameters
Warehouse Process Type: Control the warehouse task creation
It is one of the key parameters to determine the stock removal search sequence.
Qty Type Used: Using physical quantity is advisable as it helps prevent overflow; the available stock might be less than the physical quantity if it is committed to other warehouse tasks.
1.Physical quantity
2.Available quantity
WT Immed: It specifies that a warehouse task for replenishment should be created immediately.
Deselect this parameter to create the warehouse request (WMR) instead of WT.
Recalculate Replenishment Quantity at WT Creation: Deselecting the 'WT Immed' parameter, the system to create a Warehouse Request (WMR) and subsequently, a Warehouse Task (WT) for the WMR. During the creation of the warehouse task, the system recalculates the replenishment task quantity based on the real-time stock situation.
Picker Driven Replenishment
To work with picker-directed replenishment, you must set the Picker-Driven Repl. indicator for direct replenishment.
3. Define replenishment level at Storage Type
This control parameters specify that replenishment in this storage type is requested at 'Storage Bin Level for Fixed Bins' or 'Storage Type Level'
Storage Bin Level for Fixed Bins: Define the fixed bin for the product and set the min and max Quantity for each product and bin combination
Storage Type Level: Defined the min and max quantity in the warehouse product master under storage type data
***Define a minimum replenishment quantity to ensure the system rounds down the replenishment quantity to a multiple of the minimum replenishment quantity.\